Each entry that you write and publish on your blog is a post. Posts are arranged in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent post at the top of your blog’s home page. Older posts are archived (typically by date), so they’re easily accessible by readers. Your posts are the lifeblood of your blog. They not only take up the majority of the space on your blog but also help visitors find your blog. They’re also the reason people return to your blog. If you continually update your blog with fresh posts, readers always have something new to see and read. If your visitors like what you have to say, enjoy your writing style, and feel welcome (for example, they feel comfortable leaving comments, which you respond to in a timely and respectful manner), they return frequently. They’re also likely to tell other people about your blog and link to it from their own blog (if they have one), leading to more traffic for you. Blog posts are made up of these six basic elements
Title: The titles of your blog posts serve two purposes. They entice visitors to read the full post, and well-written post titles help people find your blog from keyword searches on search engines such as Google.
Post date: The date you publish your post to the Internet appears as part of your blog post entry. The date is important to visitors who like to see that a blog is updated frequently. It can also help when someone stumbles on one of your old posts by showing them when the post was originally published
Author byline: The author byline is particularly helpful for blogs written by multiple people. The author byline can link to your About page or profile to provide one-click access to your bio for readers.
Images or videos: Images and videos provide visual appeal, as well as interactivity, to a blog. They can further demonstrate a point you make in a post and when named well, can help with search engine optimization.
Backlinks: Backlinks provide a virtual shoulder tap to other blogs and Web sites that you link to in your blog posts. They also provide a way for readers to find more information about a topic discussed in your blog post.
Comments: Comments are the pulse of a blog. When readers leave comments on your blog posts, conversations start that can be especially powerful. Highly interactive blogs are typically quite successful.
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